New Info on Tax Prepay in North Texas

Since the new tax bill’s passage in Washington, people are curious as to what effect this will make on their property taxes here in North Texas, now and going forward.  Here’s a new story regarding prepayment of taxes in local areas: Prepaying Property...

Stories of Christmas Past

I was thinking about Christmas this week, and about how commercial it has become, and then I remembered one Christmas from my childhood when I learned what the joy of the season was really about: I was nine years old and so excited for Santa Claus to visit our house...

I’m Running for Tarrant County Tax Assessor-Collector

Dear Tarrant County Friends and Neighbors, After much thought, prayer, and confirmation with my family, I am running to fill the unexpired term for the Tarrant County Tax Assessor-Collector. I am a lifelong Republican and grew up in a family with service as a...

Golf Tournament

Join us for our first golf tournament and fund raiser. You can sign up to play or help sponsor using the form below. [tt-event url=’’ minimal=’false’...

Support Our Police Officers

These are dark days in America, and around the globe. Here at home, police officers are being targeted for assassination while elsewhere, crowds of innocents are also being chosen for mass killings. This darkness seems to be advancing, drowning out the twinkling...

Election Day Help for Trasa

Join us to help Trasa on Election Day, this Saturday, May 7th. Let us know how many in your family or group can help and then you will be prompted to let us know what times work for you. We need volunteers greeting people at the polls, helping contact their friends in...

Block Walk with Trasa April 30 & May 1

We are doing our final team block walking with Trasa this weekend Saturday and Sunday, April 30th & May 1st.  On Saturday we will be walking in the afternoon from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and again on Sunday in the afternoon from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  Please use...

Block Walk with Trasa April 30 & May 1

We are doing our final team block walking with Trasa this weekend Saturday and Sunday, April 30th & May 1st.  On Saturday we will be walking in the afternoon from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and again on Sunday in the afternoon from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  Please use...