Thinking about MLK Jr

Thinking about MLK Jr

On his 89th birthday, I am thinking about Martin Luther King Jr.  and his legacy in our country.  What immediately comes to mind is the march on Washington, D.C., in 1963, and the famous lines of the well-known speech we all know.  However, I don't...
Service with the Biggest Payoffs

Service with the Biggest Payoffs

“It should be your care, therefore, and mine, to elevate the minds of our children and exalt their courage,” said Founding Father John Adams.  His message is that it's our collective responsibility as a society to care for and educate children,...
The American Difference – Freedom

The American Difference – Freedom

Visiting foreign nations is always interesting, especially experiencing what is different from home.  This past summer, I had the opportunity to chaperone a student exchange in Berlin, Germany, and I noticed several major differences between European countries...
Teaching Patriots

Teaching Patriots

Many patriots, I believe, are United States History buffs.  We spend our time reading about the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and varying interpretations of the “supreme law of the land”.  And we argue incessantly about nit-picky points of...


As we kick off a new year, we're also sending our kids back to school after the break.  It's a great time to share more of my story with you, the part about teaching.  It has been full of surprises, and I can't wait to tell you about it. To...

Stories of Christmas Past

I was thinking about Christmas this week, and about how commercial it has become, and then I remembered one Christmas from my childhood when I learned what the joy of the season was really about: I was nine years old and so excited for Santa Claus to visit our house...